We have received an overwhelming amount of requests for the Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets. We have received 277 requests for Thanksgiving Dinner bags this year, over one hundred more than last year! That’s a lot of folks in Macomb and the surrounding area needing help.
Thank you to everyone who has already bought food and/or donated money for turkeys.
If you have not yet shopped or donated money for turkeys, your help is still needed. If you have already donated but could help out a bit more, that would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the list of items needed:
2 Cans of Corn
2 Cans of Green Beans
2 Boxes of Stuffing Mix
1 Box of Instant Mashed Potatoes
2 Boxes of Cornbread mix
We are also going to need help with deliveries since we have over one hundred of those! Help is also needed handing out the bags at Church and praying for folks.
Here is the link to sign up to help:
Please call 309.837.9318 or email the office at office@macc.ws if you have any questions.