Helping Another Church Further God’s Kingdom

Announcement from Sunday Worship Service (February 2, 2020):

I’m here this morning representing the elders of MACC.

As God blesses us, we desire to bless others.

It came to our attention recently that a small church in Martin, KY (Martin Church of Christ) was told that they needed to vacate their building and property where they have been located for 80 years and find another location because the Corp of Engineers were going to redevelop the flood plain where their building is located. In the last few weeks, their building was all that was left on the street and they were required to vacate. This church has purchased another piece of land and working toward building a new building and their desire just like Maple Avenue is to do it debt free.

We have been in contact with their church leadership and MACC has already made a generous gift to their building fund. And I know that some of you may be asking why we would be contributing to another church’s building fund while we are still needing funds for our new building. All we can say is that God has blessed us so much and this church in Kentucky is in need of finding a place to worship. So, we want to bless them as God has blessed us.

Today and for the next 3 weeks, we are asking if you would consider contributing toward their building fund. We have a box located in the back of the worship center by the sound booth that you can drop in cash or checks made to the Martin Church of Christ.  After 4 weeks, we will send all the funds raised to them in addition to what MACC has already sent them.

We hope that you will be generous in your giving as we want to assist them in furthering God’s Kingdom in their area.