New Gym Floor Installation at MACC
Maple Avenue Christian Church is excited to announce the installation of a new gym floor in our worship center. This upgrade will provide a safe, cushioned surface for worship services, sports, and other activities held in the space. Our worship service will temporarily relocate to the Fellheimer Auditorium at Macomb High School while construction takes place on May 26th and June 2nd. A map has been provided to guide all those worshipping with us detailing where to park and enter the building.
Worship Service Times and Location:
- Sundays, May 26th and June 2
- Fellheimer Auditorium, Macomb High School
- 10:30 AM
- No Education Hour or Fellowship Time
Kids Konnection, the MACC children’s ministry program, will continue to meet at our regular location (only during 10:30 AM Worship Time) at Maple Avenue Christian Church (MACC). Please enter through the north doors as other doors will be locked for security. Parents are reminded to pick up their children immediately following the worship service. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this exciting facility improvement project.