Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 8 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: FREEDOM | Paul teaches us in 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 that with Freedom in Christ comes great responsibility.
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Bible Text: Ephesians 6:13-17 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Battle | God has given us specific pieces of armor as […]
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Bible Text: Ephesians 6:13-17 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Battle | God has given us specific pieces of armor as soldiers who are engaged in warfare with the…
Ephesians 6:13-17
Bible Text: Joshua 24:28-30 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Worship | An epitaph is a short statement intended to honor […]
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Bible Text: Joshua 24:28-30 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Worship | An epitaph is a short statement intended to honor a person who has passed away. When someone…
Joshua 24:28-30
Series: The Cost of Living The people in Malachi’s day had treated God badly. They had become bored with God. Their worship […]
February 26, 2017
Series: The Cost of Living The people in Malachi’s day had treated God badly. They had become bored with God. Their worship had turned from relational to ritual. As a…
Bible Text: Joshua 24:14-17 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Worship | Israel had defeated its enemies and claimed the Promised […]
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Bible Text: Joshua 24:14-17 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Worship | Israel had defeated its enemies and claimed the Promised Land. Each tribe received its inheritance and settled…
Joshua 24:14-17