Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: GIVING CHURCH | The Apostle Paul teaches us that our giving and tithing is a ministry to help others, giving is planned not haphazard, giving is a personal responsibility of each Christ follower, and giving is proportional to our income.
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Many believers do not know the Word of God and have ceased memorizing scripture. However, The Word of God is important for […]
January 10, 2021
Many believers do not know the Word of God and have ceased memorizing scripture. However, The Word of God is important for us in our daily living and we must…
Matthew 4:4
If we are going to be honest, WE ALL HAVE DOUBT. We all doubt something or someone or some event. It’s just […]
February 7, 2021
If we are going to be honest, WE ALL HAVE DOUBT. We all doubt something or someone or some event. It’s just that many people have been taught wrongly that…
John 6:60-69
Series: Unashamed Relationships Paul addresses the relationships between Christians and has more to say about this than other relationships. Why does he […]
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Series: Unashamed Relationships Paul addresses the relationships between Christians and has more to say about this than other relationships. Why does he spend so much more time on this topic?…
Bible Text: Joshua 10 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Warrior | Joshua was to continue relentlessly taking the land, and […]
July 14, 2019
Bible Text: Joshua 10 | Preacher: Donnie Case | Series: Courageous Warrior | Joshua was to continue relentlessly taking the land, and we Christians are to move forward in faith…
Joshua 10